Tag Archives: recruit training command

Official 1st Letter!

6 Feb


Well I actually got it 3 nights ago, but I have not had time to post about it till now. He dated it on the 26th-27th. He must have not had a lot of time to write because it took him two days to write two small pages. It took about 4-5 days to get from Great Lakes to Florida. So that gives me a rough idea on how long it takes for him to get my letters. I have been writing him EVERY day. I kinda feel weird not putting one in the mail box today, but its Sunday so It will just sit there anyways. I want him to be overwhelmed with letters! Well anyways about the letter.

It was quiet magical the way it happened. I was walking home from work to go pick up my car and go get Anthony from Daycare. Usually I do not even stop at home or check the mail but today I felt I needed to make a quick detour to the mail box. So I walked up to my box and opened it and…yeah you guessed it…letters from Great lakes! Not just one….Two!

Well The first one was my D.E.E.R.S paperwork. (To establish and get my Military I.D and Tricare set up). And the second magical small envelope was from my beloved Husband.

He was not able to write much but here is a little of what he had to say:

“I get yelled at from time to time but they are not here to show you compassion”

“I missed you so much and still do to the point I wanted to go home”

“Doing great by my standards, but everything you do is never good enough”

“I think about you all the time, At least a couple hundred times an hour”

“Not allowed to talk ever to anyone”

“March everywhere, even to lunch”

“Sorry the letter looks so bad I’m writing in the dark”

I about cried when I read the part about him writing in the dark! But I felt so much better after reading the letter. The first week was very hard for both of us I think, But after you start hearing from your SR you will progressively start to feel better. I just cant wait for him to call me. I hear when they call you get to talk to them for 30-45 minutes. I have kept my phone by my side. Ringtone always set on high…..I get butterflies every time it rings.


Who’s this?!?

31 Jan

Its a Saturday and I’m at work.

So all the girls at work decide its about time for another girls night out so we decide to go out after work. Me and another gal stayed late at the spa after hours so I could do her nails for the night and then we ran over to the mall real quick to pick out an outfit. She was currently mad at he significant other so she decided tonight was gonna be a “I look sexy, lets take pictures and post them to Facebook and get my man jealous” night. So she HAD to get a new outfit because ofcours we gals never really have anything to wear…..

We head to another girls house were we proceed to get ready and all of a sudden I can hear the Navy song “anchors Aweigh” which was of-course my ringtone because I’m an awesome navy wife like that. I was doing my hair at the moment to I was in no rush to retrieve the call but one of the other girls picked it up and gave it to me. It was a long distance number which gave me a quick chill and I thought in my head “This could be a creditor/sales call but there is a very small chance it could be Edwin” and I mean very small because he told me he would not be calling me for another 2 weeks….. so I picked it up fast. Expecting a “Hello is this Mrs. Martinez? Hi this is so and so from so and so and was wondering if you would be interested in so and so…..But instead I heard a faint “Hey” and I said “who’s this!?!” and the man on the other line said “your husband”

“Oh my gosh its Edwin!!” I screamed to the girls who were all getting ready. “The girls screamed in unison”Ahhhh!!!!!!” And I told him I was shocked he was calling because I was not expecting it at all. He apparently got lucky and was able to call me because He needed me to fax something to him(once again the friggin recruiters) failed to send a copy of our son’s SSN card which we gave to them. So In a way I am for once glad they are incapable of doing their job….because now I can hear my sweet husbands voice. He only had 5 minutes so I told him I was getting ready to go out  and that everything was swell. I told him to get ready for his first letter from me because its pretty thick and full of Lipstick kisses and other goodies. I don’t remember If I wrote about what I put in his first letter but to recap (20 page letter, a picture and note my son drew, News paper clippings including sports scores, comics, and local news, a photo booth picture of me and Anthony). I was worried that they would see how thick it was and make him open it in front of them and see the comics and get in trouble. I have read that if they get anything that they are not allowed to get they will make them do push ups or something similar… I even heard one division had to do push ups for every page they received. I hope this is not the case for Edwin. Poor guy I wrote him a lot!…..LOL! But I have read that they really look forward to the letters so a little push up is well worth the letter. I want to make sure that every time they do Mail call that he gets a letter….I would feel SO BAD  if he didn’t get a letter at mail call and felt bad for the rest of the day because of it. He needs to know that we are 100% supportive over here and thinking about him all the time.

He was very short and would not discuss how he has been doing so far as if someone was monitoring his call or sitting right in front of him… which was driving me nuts. I asked him is it just that he couldnt talk about it at the moment….and he said yeah I will write you about all that in my letters. I said ok…so I just went on to tell him how me and the baby were doing and then his 5 minutes were up….before we got off the phone I told him one more time that I love him and miss him very much and then I could hear it in his voice when he said “I miss you too mama” He calls me mama…always has since we had Anthony….and That was it….I got off the phone and was still in shock that it was actually him and that I almost missed his call.  Now I do not go anywhere without my cell phone by my side and I always make sure it is fully charged. I also check my mail every day which I have never done before……I usually let a few days go by before checking my mail box….

I cant wait until I can see him and hug him….(especially in his uniform)

only 6 weeks and 4 days away

that’s 46 days!

that’s 1,104 hours!

that’s 66,240 minutes!

that’s only 3,974,400 seconds!!!

(from the time of this post)

The Box.

28 Jan

First Letter!

28 Jan

Could have not come at a better time!

Just last night I poured my heart and soul into the most depressed piece of work I have ever written and had a bit of the case of sleep deprivation. But au contraire, today seems to be a bit better. I come home to find a letter from my sailor today! I read online that the first letter is mostly a bunch of information about what division they are in and their address.  And supposedly a SMALL area for them to write a few sentences. I was hoping this was not the case, but in fact it was. He wrote a few short lines and the rest of the paperwork was information pertaining to Graduation dates, lodging information, his address to I can write and that’s pretty much it. Here is his note:

Like I said….Very short. I also read they tell them what to write as well. And by the looks of this letter, I kind of agree. This letter does not sound like him. I read that the letters to follow will be much better and all their own words. Now that I have his address  already packed up his first letter. I went to Walgreens and found a greeting card that came with a pre-paid envelope so I thought it was perfect. I took my 20 pages that I had already written along with the greeting card, photo and a few newspaper clippings (local news, sports, comics) I just hope he does not get in trouble because the envelope is pretty thick and I read that if it is, they will look through it and make sure there is no “contraband” and I am worried they will consider the comics “contraband” But oh well, I will take the chance.

I also received “The box” in a few nights ago and wanted to post A.S.A.P but could not figure out how to post the stinkin video on here (yeah I took a video), but I figured it out and will add it right after this post.

.I can breath a little.

Good Information on Boot.

25 Jan


I was writing My husband a letter and I wanted to talk to him about things he is going through up there in Boot but had no idea what to discuss so after reading this article, I was able to ask him about P. Week,  His newly issued BC glasses, the confidence course, the confidence chamber, stuff like that. I thought he would love it and enjoy that I am so involved and possibly know more than him at this point…lol    . Here is the link to the information.
